Senin, 16 Agustus 2010


Dumplings is a kind of snack cakes are popular in the Indonesian market. This cake is very popular in the area known as the city of Mojokerto dumplings from Majapahit era. Dumplings can be found in traditional markets or sold on street vendors. Dumplings are also popular, especially in Chinatown in both Indonesia and abroad.
Dumplings made of glutinous rice flour or flour-fried or boiled and the surface is paved / dibalur with sesame seeds. There are a variety of variations, the best known are dumplings made of glutinous rice flour and green bean paste filled therein. Another variation is only made from wheat flour and colored on the surface like a white, red, or green, known as wheat dumplings, dumplings, which is typical of the town of  Mojokerto.


Brittle '

Getas Brittle

Bahan: Material:
125 gr tepung ketan putih 125 gr white flour
50 gr tepung beras 50 gr rice flour
150 gr kelapa parut kasar 150 gr grated coconut rough
3/4 sdt garam 3 / 4 teaspoon salt
125 ml santan dari 1/2 butir kelapa 125 ml coconut milk from half coconut
minyak untuk menggoreng oil for frying

Bahan besta: Besta Material:
75 gr gula pasir 75 gr sugar
35 ml air 35 ml water

Cara Membuat: How to Make:
1. 1. Aduk rata: tepung ketan, tepung beras, kelapa parut dan garam. Stir well: glutinous rice flour, rice flour, grated coconut and salt. Tuang santan sedikit2. Pour coconut milk sedikit2. Aduk rata, bentuk bulat pipih Stir well, flat, round shape
2. 2. Goreng dalam minyak yang sudah dipanaskan di atas api sedang sampai matang. Fried in oil that has been heated over medium heat until cooked.
3. 3. Besta: Rebus gula pasir dan air sambil diaduk sampai berambut. Besta: Boil sugar and water while stirring, until hair. Masukkan getas, aduk rata, matikan api aduk sampai kering Enter a brittle, stir, turn off the heat stir until dry

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