Rabu, 08 Desember 2010


# who admired sometimes do not understand Listen,
that the longing sometimes do not know,
who in love sometimes do not feel,
but that is not in thought sometimes so love,
The highest happiness is when we are in love who we love...

# Do you know who the people who really love you...?
not people who just know about what you like and what you hate,
but people who understand what is best for you,
not the person who wants to have you,
but people are willing to lose you for the happiness you,
are not the same attention you accidentally,
but people who understand your situation,
not of those who love the beauty of your,
but people are willing to accept you as it is....

Rabu, 03 November 2010

example curriculum vitae

Curriculum Vitae

Personal Details
Full Name :Florentina Putri
Sex :Female
Place, Date of Birth :Probolinggo, August 5,1979
Nationality :Indonesia
Marital Status :Singles
Height, Weight :165 cm,43 kg
Health :Perbact
Religion :Moslem
Address :Perum Bojong Depok Baru 1, Blok ZT No.3, Cibinong 16913
Mobile :081939856394
Phone :021 - 87903802
E-mail :putri.flo@gmail.com

Educational Background
1985 - 1991 : Gajahmada Elementary School, Probolinggo
1991 - 1994 : Junior High School NO.1, Probolinggo
1994 - 1997 : Senior High School No.1, Probolinggo
1997 - 2001 : Accounting Department at the University of Pancasila, Jakarta

Course & Education
1998 - 1999 : Computer & Internet Course at Puskom Gilland Ganesha, Jakarta
1999 - 2002 : English Language Course at LBA Gilland Ganesha, Jakarta
2004 - 2004 : Tax Course (Brevet A & B) di FAIUP, Jakarta

1 ationsAccounting & Administration Skills (Journal Printing & Calculation, Ledger, Petty Cash Payroll & Calculation, Inventory Controls, Project Data Updating,
Teller, Salary Caldulation).
2 Taxation System.
3 Computer Literate (MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point, MS Access, MS Outlook).
4 Internet Literate.

Working ExperienceWorking at PT. Flamboyan Bumi Singo, Cibinong
Period : August 2001 - August 2010
Purpose : Permanently working
Position : Accounting & Taxation staff

Job's Description :
*Payroll Staff;
*Project's data updating;
*Business correspondences;
*Expatriates documentation filling & follow up;
*Appointment arrangement;
*Filling anda data updating;
*Arranged of business trip schedule;
*Meeting budget arrangement;
*Procurement filling, inventory control, and administration asistant;
*Preparing for breakdown statement for the project, preparing intern finance circular correspondences, and preparing for the presentation materials;
*Issuing invoice & receipt for vendor and customers;
*Inventory Controller;
*Preparation of purchase requirement and purchase order;
*Invoice & payment arrangement.

Cibinong, August 7, 2010

Florentina Putri

examples application letter stewardess

January 6, 2009

Human Resources Department
Air Asia

Dear Mr. XXXXXX,

If Air Asia requires a high-energy Flight Stewardess with a no-excuses attitude and is up to any task, than I’m the person you’re seeking.

I believe that my abilities and qualifications can be fully applied to our mutual benefit. My resume is enclosed for your review and consideration.

I am a female, 25 years old with 165cm height and 50 kgs weight. I am considered a pleasant personality and have a great communication skills. I also have willingness and commitment to serve a compulsory service bond. Other strengths include the ability to understand people’s character, hard work, coupled with integrity & dedication is the reason for success in each of my earlier assignments.

I believe that my organizational skills and my outgoing personality will enable me to contribute to your high standards. I am confident I can provide many valuable contributions to your company.

Thank you for reviewing my credentials. I look forward to hearing from you.


(Your Name)

Rabu, 06 Oktober 2010


1 chicken (about 1 kg, can be cut into pieces).
4 bay leaves.
2 stalks lemongrass, crushed.
3 tablespoons chopped palm sugar.
2 tablespoons tamarind water.
500 ml coconut milk.
Salt to taste.
Cooking oil for sauteing.

Spices that
6 red onions.
5 cloves of garlic.
1 tablespoon coriander powder.
5 eggs pecans, toasted.
½ teaspoon pepper powder.
1 cm ginger.
1 cm galangal.

(Use a good stove for cooking)

How to make
Blend seasoning and stir in seasoning and lemon grass and bay leaves until fragrant.
Add chicken, stir until chicken changes color.
Add sliced palm sugar and tamarind water slowly, stirring until blended.
Add coconut milk gradually while stirring for coconut milk is not broken.
Cook on medium heat until thickened coconut milk; lift the chicken.
Bake chicken until cooked while smeared flavor.

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Senin, 16 Agustus 2010


Dumplings is a kind of snack cakes are popular in the Indonesian market. This cake is very popular in the area known as the city of Mojokerto dumplings from Majapahit era. Dumplings can be found in traditional markets or sold on street vendors. Dumplings are also popular, especially in Chinatown in both Indonesia and abroad.
Dumplings made of glutinous rice flour or flour-fried or boiled and the surface is paved / dibalur with sesame seeds. There are a variety of variations, the best known are dumplings made of glutinous rice flour and green bean paste filled therein. Another variation is only made from wheat flour and colored on the surface like a white, red, or green, known as wheat dumplings, dumplings, which is typical of the town of  Mojokerto.


Brittle '

Getas Brittle

Bahan: Material:
125 gr tepung ketan putih 125 gr white flour
50 gr tepung beras 50 gr rice flour
150 gr kelapa parut kasar 150 gr grated coconut rough
3/4 sdt garam 3 / 4 teaspoon salt
125 ml santan dari 1/2 butir kelapa 125 ml coconut milk from half coconut
minyak untuk menggoreng oil for frying

Bahan besta: Besta Material:
75 gr gula pasir 75 gr sugar
35 ml air 35 ml water

Cara Membuat: How to Make:
1. 1. Aduk rata: tepung ketan, tepung beras, kelapa parut dan garam. Stir well: glutinous rice flour, rice flour, grated coconut and salt. Tuang santan sedikit2. Pour coconut milk sedikit2. Aduk rata, bentuk bulat pipih Stir well, flat, round shape
2. 2. Goreng dalam minyak yang sudah dipanaskan di atas api sedang sampai matang. Fried in oil that has been heated over medium heat until cooked.
3. 3. Besta: Rebus gula pasir dan air sambil diaduk sampai berambut. Besta: Boil sugar and water while stirring, until hair. Masukkan getas, aduk rata, matikan api aduk sampai kering Enter a brittle, stir, turn off the heat stir until dry


Urap is one type of cooking a lot of fans but this dish very quickly become stale, because the flavor of freshly grated coconut. nah to add resistance urap urap seasoning of vegetables should be dry and pan-fried coconut course, we try to make it yook:Materials required:

* 2 bunch spinach
* 2 carrots
* 1 kangkong
* 10 pieces long beans
* 200 gr toge
Seasonings urap:

* 200 grams of dried coconut
* 50 cc java acidic water
* 2 cloves garlic
* 1 tbsp sugar.
* Kencur sufficiently
* 3 kaffir lime leaves
* 5 red chilies

* Clean the vegetables, spinach and kale and sprouts, wash and drain.
* Rinse beans and carrots, potong2 and drain.
* Boil some water, put 1 tablespoon vegetable oil and cooked vegetables until half cooked secar interchangeably. remove and drain.
* Stir-fry ground spices (chillies, garlic and kencur) until fragrant, enter java acidic water, sugar, salt and dried coconut. cook over low heat, stir until well blended. Crested enter lime leaves, stir again. remove and let cool.
* Combine the vegetables with sambal urap, stir well. Serve.

traditional dances

Remo dance is a welcoming dance special from East Java which described dynamical characteristic of Surabaya/ East Java Society as a picture of Prince's courage. It supported by Gamelan music and in this Gending there are Bonang, Saron, Gambang, Gender, Slentem, Zither, Flute, Ketuk, Kempul, and Gong with Slendro rhythm.
Usually, it is using Gending Jula Juli Surabaya rhythm, and sometimes it continued by Walang Kekek, Gedong Rancak, Krucilan or new other creation.
Remo dance can be danced with woman's style or man's style by together or alternatively. Usually this dance performed as an opening of Ludruk art or Wayang Kulit in East Java. For the dancers, they wear a costume called Sawonggaling or Surabaya's style consist of at top the Black cloths showing from 18 century, velvet trousers completely with Batik and Gold ornament. In waist there are a belt and Kris. In right thigh, they wear shawl which hanging until their heel. Female dancers wear a hear bun. Remo dance was mentioned that it has been promoted in 1900,then it is useful to communicate with many people.
The main characteristics of the Dance Remo is a dynamic movement of the foot and dynamic. This movement is supported by the bells are mounted on the ankle. This bell sound when the dancer stepping or stomping on the stage. In addition, other characteristics of the movement of a scarf or sampur, nod and shake of the head movements, facial expressions, and the horses dance dancers make this more attractive.
Clothing from Remo dancers have a variety of styles, including: Style Sawunggaling, Surabayan, Malangan, and Jombangan. There were also distinctive clothing worn for stylish women Remo Dance.
Remo Dance music that accompanies this is a gamelan orchestra, which usually consists of bonang barung / babok, bonang successor, saron, xylophone, gender, slentem siter, flute, kethuk, kenong, kempul, and gongs. The type of rhythm which is often sung to accompany the Dance Remo is Jula-July and Tropongan, but can also be gending Walangkekek, Gedok dynamic, gending-gending Krucilan or new creations. In ludruk performances, dancers usually insert a song in the middle of the dance.

Jumat, 13 Agustus 2010

traditional drinks

Kolak or dinghy is a light refreshment in the form of decoction of banana, sweet potato, jackfruit seeds coated, or cassava tubers are sweet and savory liquid made from coconut sugar and coconut milk or sugar Java and given a fragrant pandan leaves as a deodorizer. In addition can also be given as well as to and fro.Kolak is very popular and well known throughout the Indonesian archipelago. Because manufacturing is easy, almost unknown tempatan variations in the recipe.Compote consumption usually increases during Ramadan as popular as appetizers compote fasting.

 Dawet is a traditional drink that has been long known, long before the before the people of Indonesia recognize such a synthetic beverage syrup. In line with the times, it was not cracked by Dawet drinks waktudan survived into modern times. Almost certainly this is now no one knows Dawet didak. Dawet consumers are evenly distributed in all layers of society. Dawet very suitable as a beverage consumed much less add fresh ice.

Selasa, 03 Agustus 2010

play in mojokerto


celebration of the Arts in Mojokerto Regency Got bantengan ' ' Lost ' ' in order of Age, is now starting to squirm As the past few decades art bantengan in Mojokerto began a populist among people in Mojokerto. In fact, is the art of actually lived since colonial times. Here is the story of art blooming kempisnya. Imron ARLADO, Mojokerto---ARTS bantengan in Mojokerto growing in mountain regions, such as under Pacet, Trawas and Jatirejo. In the three areas of performing arts, attract dozens of employees in each of these statements can flourish. In one area, the recorded Pacet more than 19 groups that still exist. For registered groups, Trawas Jatirejo four groups, three teams and Kutorejo district Gondang into three groups. One observer culture Mojokerto, l. bantengan Speed the development of art in the mountainous region, which is already old. Since colonial times, art The Mission of the show, who now lives in the Village, sajen Pacet district join forces to fight invaders in the land of Mojokerto. During the colonial era, they have banned together and are concentrated in one place. For this reason, so they make entertainment or folk art and can be shown to the public. ' ' so if art showed invaders cannot deny. Thus, entertainment and popular art, ' ' said the man who now 68 years old. Over time, the development of this art reached its own people. But in the days of the new order, a second experience of art is opaque. Reason bantengan art that uses the head of a bull in each show, is prohibited because it is considered one of the iconic political parties. However, once the New Order collapsed, arts to grow again. One stalk art began to blossom again.
For this reason, Frame, who is also Chairman of the Association for cultural Mojokerto (HBM) hopes that the Government could do to become an icon of Mojokerto bantengan. Similar added Mojokerto district of Arts Council President (DKKM), Eko EDI Susanto. As President of the Council for the arts, it was a shame if that became heir to the great Mojokerto Kingdom Majapahit apparent icons. ' ' Yes, indeed, just ludruk Jombang, Ponorogo reog, Surabaya is a Remo. This LHA Mojokerto have, what is art? ' Darmo ' he said some time ago. To strengthen the Government's attention to art bantengan become an icon of Mojokerto, DKKM held bantengan Festival is held in the square, Pacet sajen area to this day. Then 31 participants, held yesterday bantengan shows attracted the attention of the public. Bantengan Antuasisme ' ' the art and society is enormous. Thus, it is very possible if art is used as icons Mojokerto, ' ' said Mulyadi, Chairman of the Organizing Committee.

tradition in mojokerto

the Islamic community commemorates the day of the birth of Prophet Muhammad, 12 Rabi-starting in the calendar of Islam, whose name is Prophet Mawlid. In Islam, the Prophet Muhammad was the bearer of the religious teachings of Islam and is created as a Messenger or messengers of God. This year, the Prophet Mawlid fell on February 26, 2010. For Muslims, Prophet Mawlid is very significant. Therefore, various events, such as prayer, religious discourse, or a great theory is often to celebrate the arrival of the day. As with the habits of people in the village Mengelo, Mojokerto, East Java. Just when Mawlid day the Prophet came, not only held a ceremony of prayer, but were hereditary, that have a tradition, the name, the tradition you want. Listener, the first time ever Mengelo, Mojokerto villagers began to organize the tradition you want. According to the local community, this tradition has been carried out since the first. In fact, some say, from the days prior to Indonesia Meredeka in 1945, this tradition has existed. As usual, when the day came in the tradition, the villagers began to meet in the event. Brunei courtyard mosque in the village Mengelo, often a place of execution tradition want. Although this tradition is always held every year, enthusiastic people who never change. From early morning, neighbors began to meet in the Darussalam Masjid. In fact, a new series of sample held during the day. How is the application? Stay with us, the voice of Indonesia in Jakarta. When this tradition is carried out, when the implementation of the tradition, there are always a few tall trees and the relatively large size and also has branches and twigs. The locals call this tree you want. Pinang climbing as a traditional, in all branches of a tree Keres tied to some kind of gift, such as clothes, shoes, hat and scarf career. While at the bottom of the tree and fixed several types of fruits such as pineapple, bengkoang and eggplant crops. Later, prizes will be challenged, that the villagers. But before starting the tradition of the present decision, as well as prayer is always a welcome event. They have the hope that God, the Almighty God continues to offer abundant good fortune and blessings to the villagers. Finished the sentence was read, then the residents are invited to climb trees and take keres gift they want. Since the implementation of the nuts climbing competition in general, the villagers Mengelo also often fought among themselves for the same gift when you want to tradition. He is said to them, the gift is not expected. Blessing is the gift that is what they expect. Since they believe, that has managed to bring a gift of keres, blessings earning traditions. What you believe or not? This is the uniqueness of the tradition keres Mojokerto, East Java application.

traditional food and drink in mojokerto

secang, Drink the King Majapahit heritage traditional Favorites increases stamina, dominating Mancaegara tourists. In different brands of beverages with a high added rule, traditional drink Cup seems to keep the awards above. In addition to increasing endurance, this drink is also believed to be able to overcome the flatulence, colds and umbrellas. For people in the area of the village Seloliman, Trawas, Mojokerto Regency, traditional drink Cup is considered legacy is passed on from generation to generation. However, the traditional drink, which is considered one of the favourite drinks Majapahit King, people often is used to improve stamina. In this village, spicy plants in the beverage Cup is easy to find. Plants that can be used as a basis for European colonization of Indonesia in this thriving around the House as a shrub. As can be seen from the House Maimunah, one cup drink. "To give color is not necessary to use colours." Instead, use a cup of bark ", explained." He said, then the skin is inserted into the cup of boiling water, then there is no need to wait a long time. Decoction of the grass area can directly be filtered. With the traditional drink Cup ready to serve. but it would be more delicious when served with heat conditions, continued Maimunah. Although not as famous as drinks brand, today drinking a cup very excited many domestic and foreign tourists. One of them, Clay, tourists from abroad, Uncle Sam, the United States. accents of foreign languages mixed with Indonesia, which claimed to love the hell out of the traditional drink Cup presented by Maimunah. "Only this time I am Cup drink," he said. According to him, except a sweet natural scent of ginger quite pronounced taste.

culinary creations Mojokerto community in the form of a cake can be enjoyed in different markets scattered throughout the city. Not only the balls of dough, are so distinctive features, which are common in other makananan was tried klanteng, EMPA,. As an agricultural village which reflects the results of its natural wealth, most of the glutinous rice cakes is the basic ingredient, and starch. Taste of enrichment took the existing natural sweetener as sugar and coconut pandan leaves as perfume smell. That said, cake was named for its unique klanteng with several natural colors. Klanteng served in banana leaf (pincuk) folds and taking into account a sauce with coconut and Java sugar as a sweetener. According to their producers to add some elements, as a complement, inter alia, glutinous, Gatot, klanteng and tiwul development. This was done so rich in variety. In general, traditional markets klanteng exists from 6 pm until 8: 00 in the morning. Another cake that you can enjoy of EMPA. The EMPA generally used as one of the rituals to send prayers in the ghost of his predecessor. This cake made with rice flour, sugar and eggs. It was sweet, when eating nkmat hangat.Tak klanteng and satisfied with the ritual cake, you can taste a variety of other cakes. Beberapajenis cakes which I know is Rangin. Curious? Take a vacation, what if you take the morning market to enjoy a variety of these foods.

traditional game in mojokerto

Congklak, Traditional Game of Indonesia

Information for foreigners, expats and expatriates moving to Indonesia -
 find out about housing, schooling, transport, shopping and more to 
prepare you for your stay in Indonesia

expatriate information for Indonesia One of the most fascinating things about living in Indonesia is the discovery of bits of Indonesian culture which are actually not Indonesian at all, but originate in other lands. ForTraditional 
congklak game of Indonesia centuries, the Indonesian archipelago has been visited by traders from many corners of the world who came to buy spices and other agricultural riches. Indonesian cultural diversity benefited by the many peoples who passed through the archipelago, due to Indonesia's location along the primary trade route between Europe and Asia.
Together with the items they brought to sell, these traders brought bits of their culture along with them as well. These included religion, language, foods and textile traditions. Less written about than spices, silks and ceramics, however, are the games brought to Indonesia by travelers over the centuries.
I've long been fascinated with Congklak, which I had thought of as a traditional Indonesian game since I first played it in Yogyakarta in the late 70s. Much to my surprise, my previously held belief in the Indonesian origins of this game was shattered when I saw a Congklak board in a cultural display organized by the African Women's Group in Jakarta some years ago. Upon seeing the game I said, “Oh, you play Congklak too ...” The women staffing the exhibit said “No, this is Wari, a traditional African game.” Thus, my first inkling of the widespread nature of this game.

Origins of Congklak

Congklak has its origins in either Africa or the Arab world, depending on which scholar's theory you choose to believe. Some of the oldest evidence was found in National Old congklak 
boardGeographic-sponsored archaeological diggings dating back to 7,000 to 5,000 BC in present-day Jordan. Excavations of a house uncovered a limestone slab with two parallel rows of circular depressions. The layout was easily recognizable to an archaeologist on the dig as the Congklak playing board. Murray, a noted scholar, traced the origins to ancient Egypt's Empire Age (about the 15th to 11th centuries BC). Many experts surmise that Congklak may in fact be the oldest board game ever.
The earliest recorded writings describing the game were found in references to mancala in Arab religious texts dating to the Middle Ages. Some scholars believe that the game originated in the Middle East and spread from there to Africa. Then, the game spread to Asia with Arab traders and came to the Caribbean around 1640 via the African slave trade. Other experts place the origins in Central Africa.
Girls playing on an elaborate congklak playing boardToday, the game is known by numerous names around the world. The names are taken from the local culture using words that reflect where the game is played, the manner of winning, the mode of play and the board or counters used. It is referred to in English as Count and Capture.
In Arab countries, the most common name is mancala (an Arabic word meaning in English “to move”). In some West African countries the depressions in the board are referred to as Warri or Awari, which means houses, thus giving it the name Wari. In Nigeria the game is known as Adi, which is also the name of the seeds used to play the game.
Due to its widespread popularity, enthusiasts have developed numerous web sites documenting various versions of the game. For a good link list to many of these sites, see http://www.cs.uu.nl/~hansb/d.gam/mancala.html. Another good web site, http://www.myriad-online.com/en/resources/awalink.htm, lists 279 names of the game found through their research. As you surf through these web sites, it's fascinating to see how each country or culture has its own customs relating to the making of the board, who can play, as well as how and when the game is played. Some sites feature on-line versions of the game as well, if you'd like to play with other enthusiasts around the world. On the topic of online congklak, it has been suggested that congklak inspired games may begin to appear in online casinos, which already offer traditional games such as sic bo and Baccarat.
The game is so popular that the British Museum's Museum of Mankind featured an exhibition of mancala, Wari and other Congklak playing boards in 1997.

Congklak in Indonesia

Even within Indonesia, Congklak is known by different names from region to region. The most common name, Congklak, is taken from the cowrie shell, which is commonly used to Playing 
Congklakplay the game. In Malaysia, the game is known as congkak, a name that is used in many Sumatran provinces as well. In Java, the game is known as Congklak, dakon, dhakon or dhakonan. In Lampung, the game is called, dentuman lamban. In Sulawesi, the game is referred to as Mokaotan, Maggaleceng, Aggalacang and Nogarata.
Historical references to Congklak refer to the game played by young girls of Javanese nobility. It is most likely that foreign traders, due to their close contact with the upper classes, introduced Congklak to them. With the passage of time, Congkla' s popularity grew until its now widely played by the common people as well. In most regions, Congklak play is limited to young girls, teens and women in their leisure time and its seen as a 'girl's game'. In only a few regions is Congklak played by men and boys as well.
In Sulawesi, historically, the game was reserved for play only during grieving periods, after the death of a loved one. It was considered taboo to play the game at any other time. In Central Java, in pre-historic times, Congklak was used by farmers to calculate the seasons, to know when to plant and harvest, as well as to predict the future.

Congklak Playing Board

The playing board is made from wood, with variations from island to island in the number ofCongklak playing 
boards can take on many shapes. holes on each side, either 5, 6, 7 or 9 holes. All the boards have two 'store house' holes, one on each end. The design varies from simple, unadorned woods, to boat-shaped boards, to highly decorated playing boards. In Central Java, elaborate designs utilizing the Javanese naga (dragon) are common. Dragons face out from both ends, with their tails decorating the side of the boards and legs suspending the board up off the floor. Congklak boards can be elaborately carved and painted, with gold and red being popular colors. Most, however, are made of relatively plain wood.
As in the archaeological find in Jordan, diggings in Mojokerto, Lamongan and Bondowoso in East Java have unearthed Congklak 'boards' with holes carved into large stones. These were found along with the broken pieces of temple stones and other archaeological remains of earlier times.
In Lampung, village children often play without a board, but instead create their own playing area by scooping out holes in the ground and collecting stones or seeds each time they want to play.

Playing Pieces

Not much has changed since prehistoric times, when Congklak was played with stones or seeds. In Indonesia, stones, seeds and shells are used to play the game, whatever is close Children 
in Indonesian villages enjoy the traditional game of congklakat hand. Near a beach shells may be used. Near rivers, the game may be played with smooth pebbles and in agricultural areas, seeds. Commonly used seeds are tamarind, kemiri, sawo and even corn kernels.
The widespread popularity of Congklak around the world can undoubtedly be attributed in part to the simplicity of the materials used to play the game. Congklak, in all its variations, continues to attract dedicated players as well as craftsmen, mathematicians, programmers and collectors of regional art and handicrafts.
Whatever version you play today, and by whatever name you call it, you'll find Congklak a challenging game of patience and skill.

industri in mojokerto

MASAKO®, flavored seasoning made from a combination of selected real meat, spices and seasoning, thus effectively perfecting the taste of your daily cooking. The taste and aroma of MASAKO® is the same as your home made stock.